Inquiry Rotation tasks

Today we were doing a rotation but inquiry version, so first we had to pick songs that match our emotions but you have to do it in your way. so i did mine and frustrated was kinda hard to do because i didn’t have any songs that made me frustrated. so i went to go ask a teacher and she said think of a song that would make you mad angry  so i just picked any.

Anzac day

This week in literacy we explored the history and importance of Anzac day. we learned about what Anzac stands for, Australia, New Zealand army corps,what happened in Gallipoil,and the sacrifices our brave soldiers made in 1915 at Anzac cove.

one thing i find interesting was that about Fifty war memorials are the status of female figures. some are angels of death.

Learning about Anzac day made me feel impress of myself .

Thank you for visiting my blog, i hope you found it interesting. please leave a positive comment blog before you go.


Today i had to make letters that had to start with A,u,t,u,m,n and i spelt words that was kind hard to spell because i had to cross out six because i made mistakes by spelling them wrong so i just cross them out and just try and spell them again so i can remember how to spell things again.

Autumn Learning journey:six

My superhero would be  wonderwomen, and the powers that wonder women would have is flying really high and fast with energy thats in her body,strength,speed, and i think those powers would be cool if i would wish to have some, and wonder women would probably be my favourite character since she has the good powers.

Autumn Learning Journey: 3

Today i drawed a velociraptor dinosaurs, and i drawed it beause on april the 18th its going to be velociraptor day, and i think it might be a nice time doing this activity if i was still a year 6. and when i grow up i would experience this in a museum and seeing all of the work they had done.

Autumn Learning Journey: one

Task description: Today we are doing holiday blogging. so we had to go and find an image and capture a photo to post on your blog. so i picked a museum which is interesting,because you could see paintings around the museum,even the ones that’s messy it still looks good.

there is a second floor and it’s really nice on top but its a bit squished when you get to the top,but its really nice that it has space on top a little bit.


Today im blogging my helpful reading. so it was about vika doing the garden becuse she said that she had to go and help her friend with her homework. so she went their but she went to go and play basketball. but then she got caught and had to go do the gardening and she got really mad.because she wanted to help her grandad but then she said i can’t because i have to help my friend with her homework .So thats why she got caught.

Thank you letter

So we have to write a thank you letter like a birthday letter. so i wrote mine to miss tyla because she is a nice teacher and fun and funny. so thats why i wrote one for tyla. but i didn’t go camp so i asked the teacher if i can make one up. but still she helped me in class and being there for me like my sister.

Dear Miss Tyla. Thanks for helping the school and being there for us. And we are thankful for you being here since last year. And you have been helping us for camp and we get happy when you make us laugh and Happy. 


You are giving us some funniness at school times and thank you for being here for us. And we just want to say thank you for coming to our school and being in our team, being so kind and for being there for us.


 Tyla you are so nice that you are good at dancing and teaching us how to do our dance for prize giving and teaching us how to dance hard out with us. 


So this is why I picked you because you show us laugh and are so funny that you are being fun. you walked us down to the pools looking after us And making us grateful. And you’re making us be so kindful that you could be helping us by doing cyclone slip “in” slide and watching a movie which was so fun to do and I wondered if you liked the movie that we watched. 


The next morning we had to go and pack up because it was going to be the weekend and it’s like I wanted  to go and hug you being you had done everything for us.      

Creative Writing

Today we were writing about anything but has to match the picture. so i picked this car race and i went over 200 or less words and i got 290 which is a probably a good high score. so i was writing it today and now im doing it at home because im almost done and i just need to put it on the turn it in sheet so that i can put my hands up when my reading teacher say have you finish your creative task and he will say pout your hands up so that he knows if those work are finish. so that is why i am going to finish it.